Undead, undead, undead
These pages have been frozen for over ten years, but as goth itself, it refuses to die. It is back and will again be a source for things happening in the darklands of Gotham Nights.
These pages have been frozen for over ten years, but as goth itself, it refuses to die. It is back and will again be a source for things happening in the darklands of Gotham Nights.
Author, goth sympathizer and general gentleman Didrik Søderlind has translated H.P. Lovecraft's The Festival into Norwegian, and is coming to read it aloud to us!
People with fragile nerves or who feel like chatting can seek refuge downstairs with sofas and football, but between 20:30 and 21:00 it will only be a bad atmosphere upstairs.
Gotham Nights' fabulous DJs invite you to dance from 21:00, then it will be noisy and fun.
Some pictures from the Halloween party with Batboner (N) and Terminal Gods (UK) are available.
Dates for Gotham Nights events during the first half of 2011 is up.
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